Be Prepared to Go Viral

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Being in the marketing and branding industry, it’s never too long between hearing from clients who want help Going Viral. However, as successful as some companies and products have been riding the viral wave, we think that often not enough energy goes into being prepared… because if you are lucky enough to find that secret viral formula, capitalizing on it proves real success.

What does being prepared mean?

You just went viral, time to celebrate, right? Put down the champagne for a minute and make sure you’ve checked these things off your list.

Website: It’s crucial to make sure your website and ordering system can handle an increased volume. Although this may seem like an easy task, you might be surprised by how many opportunities a company misses by not being able to deliver an excellent website experience. Without even interacting with the product, that initial discovery and ordering phase will be one of the most critical aspects to making sure new customers are able to initially trial your product.

Poor initial experience + No trial = Missed customer opportunity

Inventory: Now that customers can find your product and place orders, it’s essential that it won’t take 10-12 weeks before shipping. If you aren’t able to deliver quickly while the hype is fresh in customers’ minds, the ship will sail; and the next viral video is less than a week away.

Customer Service: Let’s face it! ALL companies, yes ALL companies, are customer service companies. Without customers, all the hard work you put into your product, promotions and viral marketing plan will be lost. Never forget that providing an exceptional first experience with your company is crucial to keeping customers coming back and avoid being a fad. If you’re not able to deliver on the website or inventory, exceptional customer service can be your last saving grace if you empathize and truly make your customers feel special.

Happy Customer = Loyal Customer

Engage: You have their attention, now what? If you want to keep the momentum going, now is the most important time to engage with your newfound audience and keep the conversation going. You don’t want to get on stage and then forget what to say, so make sure your marketing plan addresses customer engagement and builds relationships at a deeper level. Customers are now listening and wanting to find out what you’re all about.

Lastly, the BrandTuitive team is all about unexpected thinking. If you really want to please your customers, show them how much they mean to you by going above and beyond to provide the best first experience possible. Having unique packaging, a little gift to go along with the order or even a handwritten note to thank them for ordering that first shipment will really prove to your customers that they chose the right path and keep them coming back.

Next time you think about how you are going to launch that viral video, keep in mind the preparation that goes with success. Otherwise, you may have one amazing video but missed the mark on many potential loyal customers.