Grammar Matters: Fewer vs. Less

As a branding agency, we are super passionate about the spoken and written word. We know that one word or comma can change the meaning and the emotion felt by the reader or can just plain be incorrect. With that passion in mind, we’re debuting a blog series that focuses on a few common grammar missteps and corresponding tips to help get them right.

ISSUE: Fewer vs. Less

Guest blog - “What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?”

We’re excited to post our second guest blog entry. Becky, a recent college graduate, wanted to shadow NYC advertising agencies to learn more about the marketing world. During her visit with BrandTuitive she crafted this blog post about facing the fears of life after graduation head on. We like her advice to graduates.

Agency Culture: HIGH FIVE

The culture of an agency is formed over time and influenced by the people of the organization. We believe that the top branding agencies have a strong culture that is nurtured by its practices.

At BrandTuitive, we have developed rituals over time that align with our core values and the things we hold dear collectively as a team. We believe they set us apart from other agencies and that they help form the fabric of our teamwork.

Guest Blog - A new outlook on an ancient phrase

BrandTuitive recently welcomed two college students who expressed interest in shadowing NYC branding and marketing agencies for a day. One of their assignments was to write a blog about something meaningful to them. We’re proud to share the first of their blog entries from Tristan, a college sophomore who shows lots of wisdom writing about the importance of being happy in one’s career.